2017 in Review: Our Favorite New Deskworks Features

by the Deskworks team
2017 has been a busy year for us here at Deskworks.
We added 19 new features to our shared workspace software and have even more great features in-store for 2018. Here are seven of our favorite new features.
1. Automated Network Check-in
Once members login to your network with their Deskworks credentials, they are automatically recognized from then on. When they come in, you’ll see them on your Dashboard from anywhere at any time.
More than that, the member’s check-in is compared to their membership plan for automatic tracking of their usage right onto their monthly bill. This feature provides much greater security than using a general password. In addition, we automatically send guests a login that works from ½ hour before reservations to ½ hour after, so you don’t have people camping at your facility.
2. Calendar Integration
Deskworks performs a two-way sync to any of the space booking aggregators, such as LiquidSpace and CloudVO, so you can make use of these additional marketing channels. They can read your calendar in real time and post reservations to it. Any reservations they make are posted to their account, so you can track payments.
3. Availability/Occupancy Report
You can now see the total value of your available dedicated space, even mailboxes and dedicated desks. Staff can instantly see what they can sell and at what price. Further, they can see what’s occupied and who’s in the space, with a total of the value of your occupied space. When you set up a new plan for someone, you can instantly take a space out of inventory and attach it to the plan so it’s no longer available for daily use.
4. Permissions
If you’re growing your shared workspace brand, you can now give your staff cross-permissions to see functionality at one or more sites, while restricting access to other sites. Your staff can see Member Profiles from other sites so that they can activate the person to use their site.
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5. Languages
Deskworks is now fully set up to display in any language.
6. Splash Page Day Pass Purchase
Save yourself time by enabling non-members to buy a day pass right from the Network Checkin Splash Page. The page lets them choose their pass and pay for it by credit card, then times their pass to the length you set.
7. Printer Charges One-click Post
Map the history report from any printer. Then, at the end of the month, upload the report in Deskworks and click Post. All printer usage is posted to each person’s account, then swept onto their monthly invoice. You can set up free copies and quantity breaks.
These are just a few of the new features we added to Deskworks this year. Others include:
- setting up multiple tax rates
- giving reservation credits in money or hours
- checking in by group or individual
- security deposit tracking
- quick import of all your existing data on startup
- previewing and seeing who gets email notices that you create
- automatic pro-ration
- calendar customizations
We’re looking forward to adding many more great features to Deskworks in 2018. Stay tuned!
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