Note from the CEO - Are you seeing a pickup of people coming back into your coworking space? Maybe it’s a little slower than you hoped, but it’s certainly happening.

Are you seeing a pickup of people coming back into your coworking space?

Business Tips, Community, Coworking, Coworking Software, From the Founder

Are you seeing a pickup of people coming back into your coworking space? Maybe it’s […]

From the CEO Barbara Sprenger

Can we tell you that you’ve got this?

Community, Coworking, From the Founder

We’re hitting one of hardest times of the past year, and this is just a […]

Notes from Deskworks CEO Barbara Sprenger graphic

Get the Deal You Made with Your Landlord in Writing

Business Tips, From the Founder

by Barbara Sprenger, founder and CEO of Deskworks Yes, we’re coming down the home stretch of […]

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